Wednesday, August 15, 2018

It's Right Under Your Nose

Abundant thinking is not something I have come by easily.  Before I keep going I want you to know that I aim to change that "lack thinking."  Just for the record, you know, lest I send out energy that suggests I want to keep my non-abundant thinking.  I do not.  Bring on the abundance!

I think, for many, maybe even most of us, the idea that the world is abundant and our lucky oyster is out there is ours to be found - and with ease - mind you - is nonsense.

Work hard. Get paid a little. Get to do cool stuff once in a while, if you're lucky.

I think we all have a tendency to look at all the ways we lack this, that, or the other thing rather than seeing all that is abundant.

Take the last 6 years, for instance. The first 3 of these years we watched our income drop like a stone. Hubby works in a job that's opposite the economy so if the economy is good, our income tends to shift south.  And vice versa.

6 years ago we started a sharp decline where our income dropped by half the first year, half from there the next and another 25% the next and another 25% the next.  Seriously. It's been mind blowing.

We have survived, though. And, in some ways we're better for it. But, I really do think it's time to shift this trend, redirect this train, move in a better direction.

It's been hard, though. So very stressful. We've had to take money from our savings. Pretty much drained all the non-retirement savings and dipped into the retirement, too.  That's not a pretty sight.  At all.  The taxes. Lord, have mercy. It's like a massive kick in the pants.

But, like I've said, in some ways we're better for it. I appreciate things more than I used to.

But, what I had creep into my thinking was that we are never going to recover, this debt we've amassed is going to hound us for years and that maybe we'll even lose our house.  There isn't enough money. We're broke. We're broke.  We are so very fucking broke.

It permeated my thinking. Came out of my mouth.

None of those have happened mind you. But it's like I kept waiting for the shoe to drop.

If you read my first blog you'll probably say this has a familiar ring to it.

Sometimes I've wondered if my focus on lack kept us in lack but it doesn't matter.  All I have is the here and now and the ability to move forward with new thinking.

Abundance thinking and manifestation is all the rage these days. I believe that a shift in thinking from there is lack all around is one of the keys to seeing all the abundance to be had.

Do I think that money grows on trees and I can just snap my fingers and have a new Lamborghini drop from the sky?  Nope. And, honestly, having a Lamborghini drop from the sky is all kinds of dangerous and who wants to see that poor car get all smashed up from that drop?  Maybe it can just drive up to me instead.  <grin>

Truthfully, I'm not totally certain where I sit with all this manifestation stuff.  I think it's more about noticing what IS and what's to be HAD instead of focusing on all the strife and trouble and lack.

How much do you think you've missed in the way of blessings because you were looking in the wrong direction?

Have you ever been out on the town and the next day your friend says to you, "Hey, I saw you at XYZ Restaurant when you were walking out the door."  You didn't see your friend because you weren't looking in the right direction.  You weren't expecting her to be there so you didn't keep your eyes peeled looking for her.

But she was there, right under your nose and you were oblivious to her presence. Just because you didn't see her doesn't mean she wasn't there. Your focus just wasn't on seeing her!

What if abundance and manifestation work the same way?  What if we were to tune into the belief that everywhere we go that there is abundance to be had. A gift waiting for us.  Something spectacularly awesome.

Does that mean everytime we walk out the door a pile of cash is going to drop into our laps?

Nope.  And, I think because we think that this manifestation thing always has something to do with money that we miss all the other abundances and gifts that come our way.

So, even though our current financial situation is not where we would like it to be. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for the abundance that DOES exist.  There is no lack for really anything in this world no matter how much the news wants to freak you the hell out.  Their job is to get a rise out of you in some way and unfortunately, they like to aim to get you angry, upset, ready to go to war over an issue, that honestly, you really just need to keep your nose out of and so do I.

So, I challenge you, for the next week, tell yourself every single morning, "I've got my eyes peeled for all the abundance in my life. I'm going to open myself up to seeing and receiving and giving abundance all over the place."

And don't make the abundance about something specific.  Let the abundance show up in its own special way.

You just might be surprised what you see.

And that financial situation we're in?  I decided to shift my thinking.  Thankfully, before the sudden and sharp decline in our income we had saved quite a bit and the stock market has been amazing.  We have enough money in our retirement account to take care of us for more than a year if we never made another dime. Maybe even 2 years if we were really smart about it.

Not that I have any desire to use this money and our plan is to keep it there until we can take it out without paying a painful fine.

But, my thinking is going to change from we're broke, we're broke to we have what we need, we're going to be alright. This is all going to turn around and we will be just fine.

In fact, we're going to be ABUNDANTLY FINE.

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